Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How do you achieve happiness?

As a 17-year old freshman attending a community college, I enrolled in a philosophy class that made me realize I had a lot of questions. Questions that I have always had in my mind but never really spoke out about it. So this will be my blog of the questions, comments, and observations that I make on this "journey" of what is called College. Starting from my start at a community college to the moment I graduate from a university. I do not pretend that I am smart, nor intellectual. I acknowledge that I am stupid in many areas, which is why I hope I will have at least one reader to help enlighten me and make me a little smarter in helping me answer some questions I have. I do, however, acknowledge that I am smarter than some people, and I expect to have at least ONE rant of how stupid and idiotic people are.

Now I'll start off by being honest to you. And in no way am I looking or asking for sympathy when I state this. What I am about to state is merely a reason as to why I have this question. I am clinically depressed, and apparently I'm not happy like "normal" people are. Happiness itself is pretty vague. How can we define it. It's not like its something tangible or something we can grasp that we keep in our back pocket, and when needed pull out to stop our tears from spilling out. It is merely a feeling/idea that we have in our head that tells us we are satisfied with life at a particular moment. And in that case, why is it that people don't just fool themself into thinking that they're just happy? In theory, this should work. So what if we don't get that warm, gushy feeling. If we focus on the idea of "happiness", we should get it, no?

Although I have felt happiness before, I apparently am not happy with myself, life, or anything in general. I don't know who is, but apparently, being clinically depressed also names me well.. depressed. So someone who isn't I suppose would be at least content with their life and not go through their day wondering if they should blow their brains out, hang themself with a rope, or if they wish to be passive, down a bottle of happy pills their psychiatrist prescribes them. (Hah, just kidding. Please don't actually go and do these things. And no, I don't think about these things either.) So this is to all the normal people out. How do you achieve happiness? How do you hold on to it? and What's your definition of happiness?

There goes my first entry. Although I've stated I am depressed, I am, at least I think I am getting better. As a 17 year old Asian-American female, my entries will sometimes come off as cynical, crude, and feministic, otherwise bitchy. However, although I am all that, I am also very naive and too easily moved by my heart. One day I may be ranting at the stupidity of the human race, and another day I can express my sympathy to seeing a homeless person. And do expect these blogs to come up because I do feel pretty passionate about the two. I may be a bit kind-hearted, but in no way will I allow anyone to bully me. So that would conclude a brief summary about me.

WARNING: if you are offended in any way, I am not sorry. What I write in here are my beliefs. In no way am I infringing on your rights by expressing what I believe in. If you really do feel strongly about what I write, feel free to create a blog and express yourself, and if you wish leave a comment. I may or may not acknowledge you, but know that I will in no way apologize for something I believe in. Unless I am proven wrong or you can change my beliefs, only then will I truly apologize. Other than that, Read at your own Risk.

In no way is this warning, referring to this post, but to future posts.


Anonymous said...

wow. ur blogger looks a lot better than mine. i dare u to find mine! jessie

Anonymous said...

my deff of happiness is when i'm not thinking 'bout all the other fucked up shit even if its only for a sec....=)

Anonymous said...

There's no definite happyness and it's something you can't cling on to, as life will ride it's course... The ups and downs are bound to appear sooner or later... The definition of happiness can only be describe by one itself, it'll depend on how you view life. For example, for me happiness would be everytime I get to vision myself getting closer to my goals. Every single time I get closer to starting a family, or everysingle time I get to see my significant other.. For a homeless even a hotdog can be define as happiness.. So you see happiness can't be just define as a feeling, how can we fully describe a feeling? It's like saying wut is really sadness? how can you put sadness into words? Are those words going to be strong enough to really explain to someone that never felt sadness? I believe that happiness can only be achive when one finds the positive side of each downfall... example to be rich one men must devotes it's time to his business but in return he neglects his family... not because his doing it in purpose but because there's a lack of time.. but lets say the same guy loses his business and his money, his house... yes that would suck but he still has his family doesn't he? Isn't that the most important part?

I'm sorry if I have words that insulted anybody but this are thoughts of my own...

playingwithkarma said...

Not insulted whatsoever! x) Please share your opinions. It's your insults that I don't take well. But then of course who does right? Constructive criticism, I'm working on, haha.

But yea, I do know that each person has their own definition of happiness, which is why I asked for it. And that its impossible for us to be happy all the time. We need to go through bad cycles in order to realize how good we have it when it comes. The thing that bothers me is that sometimes, people just can never be happy. I know I went through that during my senior year of high school. I was just majorly depressed, and I guess that's a symptom which is a completely different topic. But yea.. thanks for your thoughts x)

Sorry, this is such an incoherent comment.

Anonymous said...

im also 17 and thought my life would be over and i was going to prison but i got lucky this opened my eyes and showed me how much i already have how the downs make the ups and vis versa and to enjoy EVERYTHING all u need is food shelter FREEDOM and the right state of mind although we cant stop wanting no matter what we have the only way to escape is to give to others and expect nothing back learn 2 value what cant be taken dont compare yourself to others go look in ur fridge and relize where it came from how nice color is and how we have music on demand we live like kings and most problems are small