Thursday, September 14, 2006

If there was a question you can have an answer to, what would it be?

I am a Grey's Anatomy Whore. In fact, this blogger is named after an episode. As of this moment, Grey's Anatomy is my anti-drug. It's the show that makes my life goes round. Every Sunday (soon to be Friday) night, I click on the television looking forward to see what is in store for the life of Meredith Grey and the interns of Seattle Grace. The life values and lessons parallels those of what I learn and question each day. The only differences are that my journal is inconspicuous, Grey's Anatomy has a team of much better writers than myself, and I don't have hot men around me (Patrick Dempsey, Isiah Washington, T.R. Knight, and Justin Chambers).

So with my proclamation of love for the wonderful hit show, imagine how I felt when I came home on Thursday night running to my mailbox to find what I was hoping would be in there. My pre-ordered Grey's Anatomy Season Two wrapped up, waiting for me to tear it open and pop in the Dvd player. Since 9 p.m. Thursday night to this morning, I am 75% done with the season and have relived every moment that Meredith Grey had gone through and the inner turmoil she has with herself of what is right and what she wants.

On one episode she acknowledges the problem of knowing things. As a surgeon, and I'm sure for many other people, we do not like that we don't know certain things. It creates a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty. And when you are going to get an answer for something you don't know, the suspense of waiting for it practically kills you. The questions I have ranges from love to friendships. All of which gives me daily migraines due to my incessant problem of overthinking things when it's not an issue of much importance.

So here is my question for you today:

What is something that you don't know but would love to have an answer to? Just one question.

The majority of questions that will be appearing in this blog or those questions that I would love an answer to and really don't matter to a lot of people, but they wander into my head when I have nothing to do (such as while riding the bus) and it continues to irk me throughout the entire day. It happens frequently, and moreso when I see something that disgusts, disturbs, or annoys me which is practically everyday. I take into account of the thing that bothers me and start questioning in every possible way there is. My analyzations and observations can go on for decades so I thought I should get some perspective by creating this blog. Perhaps, theres a minute possibility that others wonder about the same questions that goes through my head. But sometimes the question of why do I even care comes up. It doesn't necessarily affect me, so why should it bother me so much?

I suppose the answer to that question is because I care. I mean, the environment is something I care deeply about. Seeing the human race suffering (starvation, homeless-ness, natural disasters) make me feel weak and useless. My acknowledgement of these problems make me feel somewhat proactive by at least voicing my opinions out there and although it may not really be heard, as long as people can hear me, I am content with that much. And if there's a chance that I can get someone to actually listen to me, then yay for me. The problem with the majority of the population is that they're uneducated, and I am in no way qualified in educating them, but there's that minute chance that when someone reads this blog they can actually realize what's going on. (Although I doubt it, seeing that the readers I have are people I know and well I'm pretty sure they're all smart lol. minus the idiotic "reader" from my second post.)


Anonymous said...

Hm, well, I guess the main question that I would like the answer is to: How did the universe and humans come to exist, and why are we here? I would say that that is one of the most baffling questions that challenges us. Even when I think about more trivial matters, I guess ultimately it leads me back to that one question and wondering what really is the purpose for, well, anything.

By the way, I have heard from quite a few people about how good Grey's Anatomy is. I have yet to watch an episode, though.

playingwithkarma said...

Oh that question irks me too.. What's my purpose on earth. And I'm always intrigued when we have the discussion of how we came onto earth. It's really interesting, we were going over it in my oceanography class haha.

If you wanna watch Grey's Anatomy it premieres this Thursday, September 21st at 9 p.m. =) It really is a good show. Well at least the first two seasons were great. Here's to hoping that the third season will kick ass. =)