Friday, September 08, 2006

Simplicity can be beauty..

Since I was a kid I've always had a liking towards animals and nature. If you ask my friends, they will tell you that my home is just calling me to return to the wild. But my point is that I gained my appreciation for nature when I moved to California and went on my first camping trip in the 5th grade. I found it exhilirating and the view was unbelievably breath-taking. The only part that made the experience bad was my fear of heights. Looking down a 100ft. cliff is not exactly calming to a 10 year old girl who has never gone on a camping trip before.

Growing up as a city girl, I sometimes regret that all this cement took place of what was so beautiful. I watched A New World starring Colin Farrel which was bascially a Pocahontas movie and it was just so pretty. The trees, the waterfall. Just Nature. Before it was touched and harmed by man. It makes me really guilty and disgraced because as a race we believe that we are superior, yet if we were so superior how smart are we to be destroying something so beautiful and pure, something so simple and something that we need so direly because without it we would die. But I shouldn't be talking since I'm not doing anything to prevent it right? I mean, I like many other people take advantage of the luxuries that are provided, especially here in the United States. I have three computers at home, a television, microwave, a fridge. A roof over my head. I feel torned at this moment because I'm unsure of whether I want to continue living this life of luxury or if I really wanna do something to help save what is left of this country. I don't want to become a hermit, but what exactly can one do to help the enviroment? So that's my question for this entry.

"What thoughts do you have about the enviroment? Should we do anything to help preserve what is left? Or do you not care? And why not? What are your opinions of the luxuries that we Americans enjoy and take advantage of sometimes?"

I've always been aware of the enviroment and always make sure I try not to litter and if I do see a big piece of trash, I pick it up too. I went fishing last weekend and I caught one fish, one trash bag, and some other piece of plastic. It made me kind of sad, not because I didn't catch fish, but just how careless people can be sometimes. I saw a basketball floating by, saw meaning that my cousin's girlfriend saw it and told me due to my inability to see. It was something so small but it can affect us a lot if we look at the big picture. Enviromental Science as a whole also helped me on my views of the environment and what I should do to help preserve what is left.

This entry is really dull since it focuses on the environment, but people fail to see it because it is something so simple. A tree. Some water. Who cares? But this attitude is exactly what is wrong because it is something that should be cared about. Those trees are what helps us breathe. That water is what we drink, what we use for electricity, for our showers. It's something that all comes back to us. It's Karma. Sometimes the simple things are the most beautiful things.


Anonymous said...

I wished enough people cared.

Anonymous said...

lets go clean up the parks! =D lets go plant trees!

Anonymous said...

I think that humans should try to preserve whatever part of nature that is left, before it all gets destroyed and we get deprived of its magnificent beauty. However, it obviously is not as simple as it seems, particularly because most people seem to have the mindset that it is an impossible task, since the globe is so heavily populated, and that individual efforts do not make a difference. I admit that I could do a lot more to help the environment, but I do recycle and reuse when I can. It really is disheartening to see so much garbage on the streets, in bodies of water, etc., because stuff like that could be prevented. As for the luxuries that we as Americans enjoy, I cannot envision us suddenly being without said luxuries, because most, if not all, of us have gotten so used to certain utilities and items being available to us. In a sense, I think that we do take advantage of what we have and use, and tend to focus on how much we could use based on our financial situation, rather than on the status of the environment. This reality is sad and selfish, especially knowing that we could survive with certain things if we choose to do so.

Very interesting blog entries, by the way.

playingwithkarma said...

To Anonymous Person #1: (Harriet)
Unfortunately people don't care. That's what frustrates me. People view me as too environmental sometimes, but I just think people just aren't environmental ENOUGH. =/

To Andrew:
Sure thing Andrew. I'm down for that. I mean I make fun of you for your little infatuation for parks, but you never brought up that idea before. Feeding ducks and whatnot is not my idea of fun, but planting trees and cleaning up the park is beneficial for both you and me so yea. :) haha

To Anonymous Person #2:
I think the major problem that people have is that they're not educated about what's really going on. And the idea that one person doing something isn't enough is completely wrong. One person can make the difference. And if that one person can get another person to join them, that's two people. I think the problem is that we already admitted defeat before we actually start something, so we tell ourselves why start at all? I've gone through this myself before and it doesn't really work because I just get a nagging feeling of how I don't actually achieve anything with this self-defeat attitude. So what tends to happens is that people turn a blind eye to the reality. =/ sucks. And thanks for the comment. I'm sure it's not that interesting lol, but I do like to know feedback and your opinions of my blog.

Thanks to all the commenters x) <33

Anonymous said...

Oh, I totally agree that a lot of people just are not educated enough on this issue. Some people even think that problems such as global warming are inflated to seem like a big deal, and shrug it off as though it is not important. And as for not actually doing anything to help the environment, I could definitely relate to that as well. A lot of this has to do with passivity, and yes, the self-defeat attitude is certainly present.

-- Anonymous Person #2